Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Complexion Perfection

A few easy changes, and you're on your way to healthy skin!Consuming foods that contain Vitamin C such as strawberries, citrus fruits, broccoli, and red peppers helps the production and formation of collagen, skin's support structure. In result of two 1-cup servings of fruit and 1 cup of red peppers and/or broccoli a day will result in a smooth textured skin.

Snacking on foods with vitamin E such as sunflower seeds and almonds help protect your skin from UV- spawned free radicals. The skin's top layers contain high levels of vitamin E that guard cells' outer membrane to keep cells healthy and hold in water, which keeps the skin hydrated. Protect your skin by consuming 2 tablespoons of hulled seeds or 23 almonds daily.

Dark oranges, leafy greens, and red veggies contain antioxidant betacarotene which your body converts into vitamin A, regulating cell production and turnover so the skin's surface is smooth. Carotenoids also decrease the skin's sensitivity to the sun. Aim for three 1-cup servings per day for a fresh complexion.

We commonly hear people recommending water, the ultimate healer. If you're dehydrated, your skin will look and feel like it too! The University of Pennsylvania researchers found no studies to back up the theory of having to drink 8 cups every day. Try avoiding dehydration and dryness by drinking water when you're thirsty, and aim for 6 cups every day for a dewy skin look.

Fish and nuts, plus fortified eggs, are bursting with omega-3 fatty acids, fighting inflammation in the body caused by sun and stress. "Inflammation produces free radicals, and free radicals contribute to aging by attacking collagen," says Susan Taylor, M.D., a dermatologist in Philadelphia. A study showed that older people who consumed more fish and veggies over their life had fewer wrinkles than those who ate more meat, the Journal of the America College of Nutrition reports.
Beauty Treats! Dark chocolate and red wine. The antioxidants in dark chocolate may actually be good for your skin, increasing blood flow, supplying the skin with oxygen improving skin hydration and reduces sun sensitivity.  However, dark chocolate is high in calories, so treat yourself to only 1oz daily. Red wine is rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that help fight skin damaging free radicals. Treat yourself to only one glass per day as excessive alcohol will give you extra bathroom visits, skin that looks dry with a dull tone and more visible wrinkles. Enjoy in moderation!

These tips to a perfect complexion were sourced by the Self Magazine website. For more details and tips to clear skin,  click here.

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