Thursday, March 14, 2013

Kick It with Kangoo

If you feel like ditching the classic workout and even some of the new crazes such as spinning, you have a new option of workout forms- bouncing! Kangoo Jumps are the newest craze. Originally a rehabilitation piece of equipment in Europe, Kangoo Jumps are now bouncing their way to the United States.  Fitness guru, Mario Godiva, claims that a Kangoo workout is a smarter workout because the shoes reduce all impact by up to 80 percent off of your knees, your back, and your spine. This new workout technique is branching into NYC gym classes. Mario Godiva leads hip-hop dance, aerobics, running and boot-camp classes in Kangaroo Jumps.

The workout shoes aren't cheap, but a smart investment running up to around $300, lasting for years. "You are essentially running, walking, dancing on air. Plus, gravity is adding resistance, so you are actually burning 20 to 30 percent more calories because you are rebounding." This is an easy and fun workout, even recommended to the uncoordinated!

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