Monday, January 30, 2012

Workouts For Those Who Think They Don't Have Time

For those of you who think there's no time in the day for you to get a workout in-Seventeen, Ladies' Journal, and SELF prove that theory wrong.


Instead of standing over the sink while you’re brushing your teeth, stand against a wall with your legs extended out about two feet from the wall. Slowly bend your knees to slide down the wall until you reach a seated position.
Extra How-To Details: Start out holding the squat position for 30 seconds (working your way up to a minute). Then, stand up, take a quick break and repeat until you’re done brushing your teeth (two to three minutes in total).
How Often Should You Do It: Do it every time you brush your teeth—so at least twice a day!
The Payoff: This is the best way to tone your butt and your legs in a short amount of time.
Just Remember: Make sure your back is flat against the wall and your knees are positioned behind your toes!
Tips courtesy of Seventeen Magazine. For more, click here.


Move: Calf raise
Stand with feet parallel, shoulder-width apart, and slowly lift heels off the ground so you stand on the balls of your feet. Slowly lower.
Variation: Try the exercise with your feet turned slightly outward at the 10 and 2 o'clock positions to work out the outer calf muscles.
Tip courtesy of Ladies' Home Journal. For more, click here.


"Perform leg lifts and bridges while you talk on the phone."- Lindsey Palmer, psychology editor
Tips courtesy of SELF Magazine. For more, click here.

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