Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Buddy System

Hanging out with like-minded friends is the best way to keep on track with your fitness goals. These pals offer emotional support, share cooking tips, and most importantly- make great workout buddies! Sweating it out with someone else helps you burn more calories and helps you stay motivated. Here are Self Magazine’s top 5 benefits of having a fitness buddy!
1. They provide motivation. The days you don't want to work out, she will get you out the door. The days she feels like skipping, you will get her to the gym. When you want to give up completely, she will talk you into sticking with your plan.

2. They serve as spotters. The bench press. Squats. Your partner can help spot you, keeping your workouts safer yet more challenging at the same time.

3. They increase your exercise arsenal. There are numerous strength moves you can do with your partner, like crunches with a medicine ball, partner pushups and leg tosses. These are fun and very effective.

4. They provide companionship. Working out can be lonely, especially long cardio sessions. Having a friend next to you to talk with while you slave away on the elliptical can make the time fly by.

5. They provide competition. Let's be honest: We as human beings like to compete with one another. Try finding a workout partner who is just a little fitter, just a little stronger than you are. By trying to keep up with them, you will challenge yourself in ways that you cannot do alone.

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